4 Meal Prep Tips to Ensure your Breakfasts are EASY and Packed with All the “good for you” ingredients

October 22, 2021 Comments Off on 4 Meal Prep Tips to Ensure your Breakfasts are EASY and Packed with All the “good for you” ingredients

Despite it’s reputation for being the most important meal of the day, breakfast can easily get lost in the morning chaos of motherhood. Sure, we likely got our kids fed but our meal is usually an after thought to our coffee. But seriously, who has time to make themselves a hot breakfast every morning.

The struggle for breakfasts is made even trickier if you are trying to eat healthy & avoid a sugary bowl of cereal or something to grab on the fly.

That’s why meal prepping your breakfasts can be a massive game changer. Admittedly, I’m not huge on meal prepping because I LOVE cooking everyday – but breakfast is the exception. If breakfast isn’t prepped, I’m not eating. It’s a fact. The tips in this post will give you some variety with breakfast while ensuring you are getting all the right things in your body to get the engine going at the start of the day.

1, Fill your freezer with reheat able breakfasts

Freezing Meals are a great way to have meals READY. Building breakfast burritos or breakfast sandwiches that are full of quality protein & veggies are a a sure fire way to fill your belly to start the day. These are made easily gluten free or dairy free based on your dietary needs and can be versatile with your favorite salsas or sauces.

2. Pre-Portion Your Smoothie Ingredients

Smoothies are a great way to pack in full servings of protein, fiber, fat and greens each morning. BUT Making them in a time pinch can be tedious when you have to pull out a ton of different ingredients to add to your blender. Enter Smoothie Bags. I place all my ingredients in reusable baggies & keep them in a drawer in my freezer. Just add liquid to the blender when you are ready to go and you have ae smoothie in under 5!

3. Make a big batch of egg cups

Egg cups are a personal favorite, as a savory breakfast gal. I love egg cups because you can make a week’s worth in less than 30 minutes plus they freeze well. You could make egg cups ever week, just switch up the flavors: Sausage & veggie, proscuitto & spinach, broccoli and cheese… the list goes on and on.

4. Swap your yogurt for a fiber packed alternative: Chia Pudding

Yogurt is a healthy breakfast, don’t get me wrong but some brands have a LOT of added sugars. Not all, but some. Chia pudding is a way to switch up your normal yogurt parfait with a little added fiber. I like to make mine with full fat coconut milk for that dose of healthy fat & creaminess first thing in the morning (hello, brain health!). Top with fresh fruit and it feels like such a treat!

Do you want a roadmap on how to prep some delicious, healthy breakfasts?

Check Out My Ultimate Make Ahead Breakfast Ebook

This ebook includes 12 health, make-ahead meals for breakfast. You can eat them right away or store them in the freezer for later. Either way, they are EASY to make, and even easier to reheat and shovel into your pie hole on the go.

  • Grain Free Breakfast Burritos
  • Egg Cups 5 Ways
  • Gluten Free Breakfast Burritos
  • Super Smoothie Packs (4 Recipes)
  • Overnight Chia Pudding

All of the recipes contain real, good for you, ingredients and are gluten free and dairy free friendly.

How to Store Meal Prepped Breakfasts?

Check out my all my eco-friendly, reusable storage favorites here.
